Shepard Health

How can I provide better care for diabetic patients?

Utilizing data analytics and Lean Sigma process improvement to increase adherence to the comprehensive diabetes care measures and lower the cost of care.

Problem |Despite significant investment and incentives focused on diabetes treatment, managing and adhering to patient-specific care plans continues to be a challenge. The collection and dissemination of meaningful data is complicated and hinders the treatment of patients and reporting to payors and regulators.

Outcome| FIXXER™ provides a real-time snapshot of the diabetic population by key demographics, facility, location, and provider. With interactive dashboards, on-demand reports, care plan gaps, and automated regulatory reporting, healthcare providers can focus attention on treating patients with the latest and most accurate information to achieve the best care for their patients and maximize HEDIS/UDS compliance. 

Solution| Shepard Health’s team of IT and analytics experts optimize the technical aspects of diabetes care and reporting, as well as the process management. Shepard Health utilizes the Lean Sigma framework to identify areas that need improvement, map current state processes, future state process mapping, and clear visualization that addresses common areas of concerns.


Utilize Shepard Health’s real-time executive dashboard to track all measures and identify high performing measures and areas for improvement.